Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Couple Tinslea Stories

A couple Tinslea stories...

Saturday she got into my mascara while I was trying to get dressed. I told her to go look in the mirror and wash her face. Forgetting I had told her this I went on with my business and Josh came into the room about 10 min later and said go look in the bathroom....Tinslea had carried a chair from her bedroom into the bathroom, climbed on the counter and was brushing her teeth with....hair gel!!

Tinslea refuses to believe that she's 2. You tell her 2 she says 3. Lastnight we were sitting in the livingroom talking..

Me -Tinslea how old are you?

Tinslea - 3

Me - How old is Daddy?

Tinslea - Daddy 21 Mommy 21

Jodi - How old am I Tinslea?

Tinslea - 3

Jodi - No Tinslea I'm 21

Tinslea - No "yous" 3 my Daddy 21

Now that HAD to make you SMILE : )

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