Thanks everyone for the calls, texts, emails and Birthday Gifts! This year's Birthday (Tuesday) was just like any other day, I had to work :( After work I picked Tinslea up from DayCare and we headed to Morgantown. I got to the courthouse at about 3:00pm. She was staying with Mom and Dad so we had some time to kill. We visited everyone in Mom's office for a while, then Josh came to meet us and we went and played outside on the courthouse lawn. When Mom got off we loaded Tinslea up and she went to Rochester for the night. No, our night didn't end as you may imagine. It was MY night!! Sooo we picked up Garcias to GO, ate it at home and watched Tori and Dean ALL NIGHT!! That was it, SOOOO relaxing! It wasn't Josh's idea of a Birthday, but is sure was mine.
Wednesday, Tinslea stayed with Mamaw Jane and Papaw Andy. They seemed to enjoy her company. I think Papaw was having some withdraw, he hadn't kept her since before we went to Florida. That afternoon Dad met me in town with her. She LOVES her Pa John! We came home to our same routine, we played outside ate supper and played some more. She was so exhausted she went to bed about 6:45pm. That was fine with me, I wasn't far behind her I went to bed at 8:45!
After work today Tinsela and I went shopping since Josh and Dad were having their "bonding time" (the Cubs and Reds were playing). Shopping with Tinslea by myself is always a challenge. She loves pulling things off the shelf and NeVeR lets me try anything on. I ended up just getting a pair of shoes and her a shirt. When we got back to Morgantown we stopped by Candi's. Lola had some shoes she had out-grown for Tinslea. We are very thankful for Candi, WE LoVe Lola's hand-me-downs! Lola was with her Mamaw so she and Tinslea didn't get to play...that didn't stop Tinslea from playing with Lola's toys though:)
The picture I posted for today was taken of her playing here at the house before supper.
I almost forgot to mention, Please Keep Grandma Linda in your Prayers. She went back to the Dr. on Tuesday for more tests. She has an appointment with the Dr. July 25th, hopefully she will be given some answers as to what the problem is at this visit.
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