Sunday, August 3, 2008

Tinslea has the worst luck...

Josh was just on the computer and said my site “aggravates him”, he said I need to update is everyday! What he doesn’t realize it’s a little more work than is seems like.
We had a VERY Busy end of the week and weekend! Honestly we had so much going on I don’t remember what happened Thursday except that Tinslea stayed with Mom and Dad. Friday, she spent the day with her Pa John and Jo Jo. Josh and I went to Rochester to pick her up when we got off work then we went to DD and Jeremy’s wedding rehearsal. After rehearsal DD and Jeremy had a cook-out at their house. We had a nice time with everyone Tinslea enjoyed herself, she got to play with Blake and Raigan.
Saturday started out WAY too early. We met mom in town at 8:00am then headed to Woodbury to set up for the wedding. To keep a long story short, we had lots to do and little time to do it in. The “set-up” crew consisted of Josh, Myself, DD, Jeremy, Deana, Heather Coleman, Bridgette, and Jill (Deana’s mom). At 1:00 we went to get our hair and make-up done then got dressed and began pictures. The wedding started on time at 6:00pm! That doesn’t happen very often : ) The wedding was beautiful as was DD…Congrats to DD and Jeremy!
Tinslea had a GREAT time at the reception! She was running around laughing, “talking”, and being a little cutie. As Dad and Josh began packing the chairs up from the ceremony Tinslea saw her Pa and started yelling “PAAA”. Deana and Chelle were walking up the hill with her and she all the sudden fell. Deana picked her up and she was crying. I was behind them and was like “OHH Tinslea your ok you can walk”. Deana said, “NO I think she’s really hurt”. From that point on everytime we tried to stand her up to walk she would fall down. We thought maybe she had twisted her ankle. The weird thing was she would let us turn it, touch in, everything and she wouldn’t cry, she just wouldn’t walk. We even put ice on it! I called the Dr. at 8:00, Dr. Frasier called me back about 9:00pm and said give her Tylenol for the pain and wait until morning.
I woke up this morning at 6:45 because Urgent Care opens at 8:00 and I wanted to get there as soon as they opened if she wasn’t better. So I woke Tinslea up, Josh changed her and we stood her up in the floor. She just stood there and screamed. At that point we all got dressed and headed to BG. We were seen by Dr. Grace at Urgent Care, they took lots of X-Rays (which by the way is very hard for a baby to lay in an exact position). The verdict was… she has twisted her knee and there was some fluid build-up. I believe she is now feeling a little better, this afternoon she was began walking and even ran to the door when Deana came over. By the time Mom and Dad came by she was a whole new kid! They bought her a cute UK coat for this winter, she hates it right now though! Josh put it on her and she SCREAMED and pulled at the sleeves. When he took it off she was fine. I think she’s going to have a hard time come fall and winter when she has to wear more clothes HAHA. They also got her a lawn mover…she loved it! She was laughing and ready to get her hands on it before Dad was even able to get it out of the package.
Mom and Dad have her now, she is staying with them tonight and Mamaw and Papaw tomorrow. I have trainings in Cave City Monday-Wednesday and her daycare is closed for pre-service this week.
I’ll keep everyone posted to let you know how she’s doing throughout the week. OHH and she’s doing better from her sickness lastweek she just has a little cough now, maybe she’ll have an easier time than Lola did. Little Blake’s sick now, he has the same thing! Deana said he was still running a fever today : (


Ashley Bridges said...

Oh my goodness I can not believe she hurt herself like that. I hope she is doing better. Have a good week !!

Laurie Keen said...

Poor Tinslea....sounds like she is having a rough summer! lol I can't believe she twisted her knee instead of an ankle...strange! I have to agree with Josh...We need more updates. This is such a great way to keep in touch with everyone...I love reading them!!!

Brandy said...

Poor thing she has had rough summer. Thank goodness nothing was broke. Well I agree with Josh and Laurie we do need more up dates, but I am as guilty as you are on Hope she feels better soon.

Candi said...

Bless Tinslea's little heart!! Hope she's feeling better very soon. I'm sure you hate being away with the training and all, but I'm sure she's in wonderful hands. I love reading your blog too but I understand is like a 5th job behind being a Mommy, a wife, a house cleaner, oh...and where we work. It's crazy; there's just not enough hours in the days. I hope you guys have a much better week this week and we'll get together sometime soon. I have a few things you might want for Miss Tinslea this winter.

The Belchers said...

Thanks everyone, she seems to be doing better today. I talked to Dr. Smith's nurse and he reviewed the x-Rays and said there was no break or fracture, that it was probably just the fluid causing her the problems. He said if she's not better in 2 weeks to bring her back in and he will do more X-rays.