Friday, October 17, 2008

A Busy Week - Happy Birthday Jared

As you can tell by the lack of posts we’ve been busy this week. Josh and a game Tuesday night, Wednesday night we relaxed, Thursday night he had a game and I had to work late. Jodi picked Tinslea up from school and kept her a while then Mom came to BG and got her so she could stay with her and Dad. Normally when she stays the night with them Dad will keep her the next day, but Dad had to work AND this has been her first FULL week to stay in the toddler room ALL day, so I wanted to keep her in the routine. So, Mom met me in town this morning with her. She’s doing so good in the toddler room!! Her new teacher are Ms. Erin and Ms. Linda and they are wonderful-I honestly don’t worry about her not being taken care while I’m at work :) And for a MOM that means the world. At the beginning of the week she would cling to me when I would drop her off, not really wanting to stay. Today she walked right in the room went to the art area got a piece of paper and a crayon and sat down at the table. Ms. Erin said she LOVES the art/playdough area – she said anytime Tinslea see’s them over there she runs to them to join in.
Tonight, Josh, Tinslea and I met Dad, Grandma, Poppie, Chad, Amber, Taylor, Jessi, Charlie, Hunter and Jake at the FarmBoy for supper. We had a nice time visiting and letting the kids play. Tinslea was happy to see her Pa John. As soon as he walked through the door she was out of her chair running to him. I hope she’s able to be as close to her Grandparents as I am mine. OHH I almost forgot to mention Hunter found a potential girlfriend…Rhonda. She was our waitress and Hunter thought she was “HOT”. He then told Grandma he didn’t like girls he like women! Rhonda later brought out some cupcakes Ashley had made for the 3 kids : ) Ashley, they said they were VERY good!!
When we left the Farm Boy we headed to the haunted house behind Fire House pizza. Josh, Poppie, Tinslea, Taylor and I stayed in the car while the rest of them went through. Surprisingly Jake did pretty good, Hunter was the one we could hear screaming outside the building HAHA.
Now we’re home Tinslea’s in bed and Josh is relaxing. He’ll be gone all day tomorrow, his B-Ball team is hosting a tournament tomorrow. Who knows what Tinslea and I will get into…

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