Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Josh

Today's Josh's Birthday and he's not even getting to spending it with his TWO FAVORITE GIRLS... ME and TINSLEA!!
But, that's part of the job, he ended up having a ballgame tonight.
Tinslea spent the WHOLE day today in the toddler room at school! normally she will go and visit between breakfast and lunch then will go back after nap and snack. I couldn't believe she stayed the whole day!! She did get a little upset when I left her this morning but that's not anything unusual, she does that about everyday when I leave her. Which doesn't really make any sense because she gets so excited when we talk about going to school. I don't know...guess she just knows how to play Momma!
On our way home we stopped by the funeral home to see Robert Adkins. Tinslea enjoyed getting to play with little Maggie Drake :) When we got home we played outside for a while then came inside ate, and she was ready for bed!! Those big kids must have wore her out! OHH and I forgot to mention there are 6 Boys, her and 1 other girl in her class - Guess you know what that means!!

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