Wednesday, February 4, 2009

House For Sale

I'm taking the first step...I've allowed Josh the create a blog in attempt to sell the house. Today when I got home from work he had the house spotless, he had taken all the pictures and had everything uploaded on the blog. If you or anyone you know is interested please have them contact us for feel free to visit -

It was so hard to get up this morning, after a week off 5:00am came too early. The day went by pretty fast considering I had to do some back tracking because I couldn't remember where I needed to pick up form. This afternoon Mom and Ozzie came over to bring us some potato soup and visit. Tinslea was more excited to see Ozzie than Mom! She started running around screaming and laughing!!


Anonymous said...

Well all I have to say is Josh how did you get Josh to clean...LOL

Laurie Keen said...

Dang Jonnica that is good deal sweetie! By the way tell Josh he can come over any time he wants and clean my house and take pictures too!! HA HA! Boy there is a ton of people that is looking for a house to buy and I can't even think of one of them!! maybe it will come to me....

The Belchers said...

Well girls you see...Josh has been wanting to sell for a LONG time I do but then again I don't (I don't like change)! SOOOO I said since he was off if he did all the things I wanted to the house I would put a for sale sign up Friday HAHA.
We are going to try to sell it on our own instead of going through a realtor.