Thursday, February 5, 2009


This morning when Josh took Tinslea to school she HAD TO wear her sunglasses, so he said he didn’t argue he let her wear them and thought she would take them off when they got to school. That didn’t quite so as planned – When he took her into her classroom she WOULD NOT take the glasses off. Ms. Tammy told him not to worry she was fine. So he left her and the glasses. When we picked her up I ask how they finally got the glasses away from her. Ms Beth said when Tinslea finally took them off she placed them on the table, when Tinslea wasn’t looking she took them and put them away. Ms. Beth said that later Tinslea came up to her and started pointing to her eyes!!!
After picking Tinslea up we took Tinslea to Sonic to get her some ice then headed to the middle school to watch Talon play. Tinslea had a good time playing with Mark and Missy : ) Josh was wanting to go to the High School game because Hunter was starting his first Varsity Game!! Tinslea was just to tired though!!
The post below is a video of Tinslea not wanting to sing for the camera. Wheels on the Bus is her FAVORITE song and she loves to sing it but I guess she's camera shy. Just incase you can't understand "Tinslea" language she is telling me "NO" and Stop"!

1 comment:

Laurie Keen said...

OH How I love Tinslea videos....they are a fave!!!! I wish you had a picture of her in her glasses...that would have been adorable!!! ONLY TINSLEA!!!!