Sunday, December 21, 2008

Stylist in the Making?

Friday night Tinslea stayed with her MeMe and Pa John while Josh and Iwent to BG to watch Talon Gary, Jacob and Jordan Hall play ball. We also tried to finish our shopping...but that didn't happen. Our plan is to go today after church. Tinslea had FuN yesterday playing with MeMe and Jo Jo. Josh and I didn't go down to get her until about 5:30. When we got there Amber and Tay Mae were there also. Lastnight was really the first time I've gotten to hold her and play with her without Tinslea "bothering" us. I will have to say though, Tay liked Josh better than me :(

How many parents let their kids (19 months old) dress themselves??? This morning Josh decided to go to his mom and dads to take the trash off, so he took Tinslea with him. Tinslea was already playing in her tutu and wanted to keep it on so we met in the middle with the tutu and just put on some pants and a shirt. And check out the sandals - she also picked those out of all the shoes in the closet to wear, so we just put some socks on!
The first pic is right before they left, she was mad because we couldn't find her hat!
The second pic is of her playing before Josh decided to take her with him.


mtutko said...

What cute pics......She is such a "GIRL",,,,get ready Josh, I think she is going to be a little ballerina!!!! The one of her with her little arms crossed is priceless, and the other one, her little fingernails and toenails are so nicely painted......Go Tinslea, Go Tinslea!!!!!

Love you all

Laurie Keen said...

She is just the cutest thing! I love that 1st picture! What ATTITUDE!!! lol and that 2nd one is so cute! love them!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! She is a little pistol :-)